
“I’ve had the privilege of working with Tree on multiple occasions as I’ve recovered from grief and several sports injuries. What I find to be her greatest gift (truly among many) is her ability to serve as a mirror, reflecting back insights I already seemed to have in myself. She’s got incredible intuition regarding what education and experiences can bring out wisdom in others, and she’s gently used those tools to guide me on a physical, mental, and emotional journey that’s helped me know myself on a much deeper level. On top of all that, she’s got an impressive understanding of hypermobility and brings her own experience as a hypermobile performer. I confidently and enthusiastically recommend Tree as a yoga therapist!”

– Jesse Favre

“Tree has helped transform the way I view my body. I was shown that we are limited only by what our mind thinks is possible. Last summer I touched my toes for the first time since I was a small child. I had given up that it was even possible due to my crazy long legs and short torso. I now have a personalized therapeutic yoga practice promoting the rebalancing of my muscle tissues and I feel so much stronger. Also, aerial training has been such a fun way to explore what my body is capable of. If you have trouble making yourself “work out” or go to a gym like me I seriously suggest trying it.”

– Thia Sleszynski

“Tree is vastly knowledgeable and truly has a passion for sharing that knowledge to help others reach their goals whether they be physical or mental. I’ve always enjoyed Tree’s company and teaching and I would encourage anyone seeking to grow in their yoga to learn from her!”

– Tristan Coble-Freeman

“I got one on one therapy for lower back pain with Tree over the course of several months last year. With her holistic approach, I got short-term relief with yoga and physical therapy techniques, increased awareness of my posture that has helped mitigate my pain long-term, and we also talked through my personal goals regarding flexibility and identified how I could still work toward them while staying safe. Bonus if you’re in the circus world since she is an experienced circus artist, but even if you’re not you’ll still benefit from this comprehensive type of therapy.”

– Lacey Ellington